What if you didn’t hold back at all. No filter. What if everything that started as a little tickle in your belly could simply bubble up and flow out of your mouth. Uncensored. Free. Not judged by you. Or judged but let out anyway. Facing possible judgment from others. But let out anyway. What if […]

Authenticity, Fear, Freedom, Judgement, Self-Expression, Vulnerability

June 2, 2019


Last night I started writing this post in the notes app on my iPhone, while laying awkwardly on my side in bed. It was almost midnight and I should’ve been sleeping because I was getting up early today to work out. But, instead I had been furiously typing away on my phone, attempting to capture […]

Goals, Impact, Leadership, Life Coaching, Personal Growth, Vulnerability

May 2, 2017

Stepping into the arena

You always have a choice. Take radical responsibility for every part of your life. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Respect their journey and live yours. Be present. Be grateful. See the beauty all around you. Don’t fear your emotions, feel them. You are a feisty beast. Run wild and be free. Every day is […]

Action, Authenticity, Compassion, Curiosity, Failure, Gratitude, Judgement, Purpose, Self Care, Tools, Vulnerability

October 17, 2013

The Possing Manifesto

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