Mindset is everything.
Okay, it’s not everything everything. That would be a bit overly dramatic.
But it’s A LOT. It’s a BIG part of how you experience your own life. It’s the lens through which you see everything, all the time.
You are creating your own reality in every single moment. Yup. We all are.
Think of your mindset as a set of glasses. As you walk into any scenario of your life on any given day, you are viewing those circumstances through whatever lenses are attached to your face.
For most of us, most of the time, it’s our default lens.
Unfortunately, our default lenses are made up of things like trauma, fears, conditioning, and limiting beliefs. In other words, our past.
When you view the present through a lens based on your past, what happens? You default to the same shit. You repeat old patterns. This is why most people stay stuck.
The problem is that for most of us, our mindset – our beliefs, thoughts, perspectives, attitude etc. is on autopilot. It’s totally unconscious.
The good news is that you can change that.
You can REWIRE your brain, thanks to neuroplasticity. You can ditch your dirty old glasses and put on different ones. Want to know how?
Here are the basic steps:
1 – Become ANNOYINGLY aware of your thoughts.
You can’t be aware of ALL your thoughts. That would be madness. We have upwards of 60,000 thoughts a day!
With practice, you can become aware of some of them. Newsflash: most of them suck! Think negative self talk, self-doubt, straight up self-flagellation etc.
It’s helpful in the beginning to capture said crappy thoughts. Write them down. That’ll help you see just how absurd they usually are.
2 – Be compassionate with yourself
As you become more aware, you may feel bad about being so mean to yourself. You may realize you’d never talk to anyone you love the way you talk to yourself.
This sucks. And you may be tempted to beat yourself up about it. DON’T. That just leads to a shame spiral #nothelpful
Instead, be gentle. Forgive yourself. Simply be the curious observer of the thoughts. Just think “oh, that’s interesting”.
3 – Choose a better feeling thought
Yes, it’s literally that simple! No, it’s not easy. And yes, it takes a shit ton of practice.
There are lots of advanced and fancy techniques for rewiring your brain (e.g. hypnosis, NLP etc.) but you can seriously just start by using these 3 steps.
Noticing your thoughts, be nice, then choose better thoughts.
Practice this every day and before too long, you too can be a mindset ninja.