What if you actually trusted yourself?

I mean REALLY trusted yourself. Like, fully and deeply no shit really actually trust yourself.

It's a way of being that, honestly, many of us have never even experienced.

Think about it.

Maybe you trusted yourself for a hot second when you were a wild young thing, still unencumbered by the weight of your soon-to-be childhood programming and society's impossible standards and expectations.

Or maybe you glimpse fleeting flashes of it in your current life, when your gut kicks in and you feel an urge to do or say something, but then...!

But then.


The sensation vanishes, as quickly as it appeared.

Because your ego steps in and goes "OH HELL NO. Don't trust that shit. Stick with the script. Follow the rules. You know what you're supposed to do. Just stay in line, follow the crowd, and be sensible for God's sake."

And you listen. Sound familiar?

We all listen. Oh boy, do we listen.

Our conditioning, the voices of well-meaning adults, and the messages we've been fed our whole lives tell us who to be and how to live.

Until... Until we decide that's no longer okay.


(To be clear, sometimes that decision is a single moment in time. Other times, it's more like an accumulation of smaller moments that add up until we scream ENOUGH and then really decide.)

And when you decide to stop letting the external world define who you should be, what you should do, and how you should live?

That's when you take a big BOLD step toward freedom!

That's when you start the process of untangling the web of what's been holding you back and keeping you small.

THAT, my friend, is when you start to unleash. To undo, so that you can become.

And in that beautiful unfolding, you begin to trust yourself.

Trusting yourself is not an overnight thing. It takes time and patience. It takes love and compassion.

It takes slowing the fuck down and getting quiet enough that you can hear the quiet whisper of your soul.

As you turn down the dial on external influences, AND turn down the dial on your own ego (which is usually pretty loud, often aggressive, and sometimes downright mean), you can start to make space for the gentle guidance of your own intuition.

Your intuition - that part of you that is connected to source, to the divine, to your higher self - is with you IN EVERY MOMENT.

We just mostly suck at remembering that and knowing how to access it.

Think of your intuition as that badass best friend you KNOW you can trust. The one that always has your back. The one you can share your deepest secrets with and who you look up to for her confidence and the depth of her wisdom.

Start a relationship with it. Talk to it. Listen. Make time. Connect.

Do this, and you will start to trust yourself.
Do this, and you will start to release the need for external validation and guidance.
Do this, and you will be on the path to greater authenticity and peace.

And aliveness.

When you live your life guided by SOUL you will make better, more aligned choices.

And you will trust yourself.

That is freedom.