You Always Have a Choice

You have a choice. In every moment. You get to choose how to be, how to show up, and what kind of human you want to be right now.

When you see, hear, or experience something you don’t like, you have a choice.

You can do nothing and complain about it later. You can speak up, right then and there. You can try to change it. You can try to understand it. You can forget about it and move on. Your choices are endless. But the choice you make is yours. And it’s part of what you are creating for yourself (and for the rest of us.)

Some of your choices will be very important. Life changing, even. Some of the choices you make will seem inconsequential. Meaningless, perhaps, in the bigger picture. But, regardless of the gravity of the choice at hand… make it intentional. Don’t choose out of habit or fear. That is simply reacting to life. That is living on autopilot.

Instead, respond to life. Choose how to be. How to show up. How to live.

You can’t always control what is happening to you or what is happening around you, but you CAN choose how to respond, how to think about it, how to talk about it, or what to do with the information.

Your choice may impact the people around you. Your choice might make someone’s day. Or ruin it. Your choice might set you up for success in the future. Or failure. Your choice matters and you matter. It’s important. It’s who you are.

Own that. Respect that.

I challenge you to really know and remember that you always have a choice and to take radical responsibility for the impact of every single one.

Originally published September 13, 2014. Revised and republished June 30, 2020.