I think I’ve reached a tipping point ⚖️ And I think I’ve been waiting for this moment for years. It’s the moment when my desire (or rather NEED) for self expression finally became bigger than my fear of judgment 😌 Examples – I’m so ready for my first tattoo. Obvi need to wait until post […]

Authenticity, Confidence, Fear, Identity, Judgement, Self-Expression

June 15, 2024

When your need for self-expression gets bigger than your fear of judgment

What if you didn’t hold back at all. No filter. What if everything that started as a little tickle in your belly could simply bubble up and flow out of your mouth. Uncensored. Free. Not judged by you. Or judged but let out anyway. Facing possible judgment from others. But let out anyway. What if […]

Authenticity, Fear, Freedom, Judgement, Self-Expression, Vulnerability

June 2, 2019


Who would you be if you weren’t afraid of being judged? I love that question. It points to what is a very real struggle for many of us who, over the years, have developed different parts of ourselves to fit into different parts of our lives. Recently I was listening to a call where a […]

Authenticity, Identity, Judgement, Personal Growth, Self Acceptance, Self-Expression

August 10, 2015

Fearlessly Authentic

I love my tomboy tendencies. They’re a huge part of who I am and I embrace them. But lately I’ve been craving more divine feminine in my life too. Being one of the guys is a safe place for me. It’s great, but it’s well within my comfort zone. Stepping more into the divine feminine […]

Confidence, Feminine Empowerment, Self-Expression

March 25, 2014

Tapping into the Divine Feminine

Silhouette of a woman with a flowy dress against a sunset.

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