This is counter intuitive but it works.


It’s also the opposite of what we naturally do, so it takes a little bit of unlearning to get there.

Show up (think, feel, and act) as your future self, not your current self.

Instead of thinking about what you want from your current perspective, think about what you want from your future perspective. How your (wiser) future self would think about it.

That’s it! Super simple. But not easy…

Most of us operate from a paradigm where we base our thinking about how to achieve our goals and dreams on our past experiences and current mindset.

Makes sense right? It’s a very logical framework.

Our past informs how we see the world and how we see ourselves. We’ve formed beliefs about how things work and who we are and collected tons of evidence to support those beliefs.

And we operate from this place of assumptions that those beliefs are true. (Hint: they usually aren’t.)

Here’s the problem with that paradigm: you keep creating more of the same.

As Einstein said:

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.

If you want to change something externally – your finances, your health, your relationships – you need to change something internally.

(Because living your life from the inside out, rather than the outside in, is where you have the power to change.)

So, instead of showing up as PRESENT you, with all of your current limiting beliefs, fears, emotional baggage, insecurities etc., decide to show up as FUTURE you.

It’s about your IDENTITY.


Future you has already achieved all your goals and dreams, and has the confidence from doing so.

Future you has moved so far beyond your current limitations that they seem adorable in retrospect.

Future you thinks WAY bigger than you do now.

So, how do you tap into that way of being? How do you tap into your future self? This can take a little time and practice, but you can start today.

Close your eyes and visualize your future. The dreamy version. All of your goals and dreams have manifested into reality and you are thrilled.

Now imagine yourself at the center of that vision. You created all of it. You f’ing did it. You are a badass!


Important: You don’t need to know exactly how you did it.

Just imagine how you feel. Proud? Confident? Ecstatic? Filled with joy and gratitude? Play make believe and, like a child, get really into it.

Focus on those emotions, grow them a bit, let them fill your body with energy, and stand a little taller as a result.

You can practice literally walking around AS your future self every day. 


Start today! Shoulders down and back, head held high, deciding to know like you know like you know that of course everything works out and you totally can trust yourself to figure things out.

It’s a totally different energy to embody. A totally different identity.

It’s an identity and an energy of trust and faith and unshakeable confidence.

And THAT identity, that energy, is the one that’s going to help you not only think differently and more creatively, but it’s also the one that is going to attract everything you want to you, and more quickly.


Let your future self guide your current self. Practice this and watch your goals and dreams show up faster and faster.

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  1. Lillie

    Totally did & doable!
    I’ll try it. I liked the Einstein
    Quote, I’ll keep thinking about that one

    • Sandra Possing

      Thank you for reading and for chiming in, Lillie 🙂 It’s a mindset shift for sure, but it works when you work it!


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