You know that feeling when you’re about to say something, but then catch yourself and swallow your words?

It sucks.

Or when you feel a little tickle in your belly to go do something and then your mind steps in and is like “um, no.”

It’s SO deflating.

That fleeting rise of excitement you feel when you get an urge is important. It’s a sign from the wisdom of your body telling you to listen up!

I know you know the feeling. It’s that moment of breathlessness where you think “holy shit, am I really about to go ____ right now?”  

Think of it as a message from your higher self. A nudge from the universe. A whisper from your heart.

It’s your damn SOUL speaking to you.

But then you ignore it.

You ignore it!!!

How does that feel? 

It feels LIKE A FUCKING SLAP IN THE FACE, is what it feels like!!!

Because it is. That is you ignoring your truth. Closing the door on your intuition. Telling your deepest desires they don’t matter. That breaks my heart.

And the really sad part is that we all do it. We’re conditioned to do it. 

We’re taught to be all prim and proper and nice and quiet and just the right “acceptable” amount of whatever-the-hell it is that actually wants to come out of us, so we censor.

Not. Cool.

If you are still reading this, you are probably one of us. The censorers. The holding-back-ers.

You dim your light.
You hold yourself back. 

You play it safe.
You keep yourself small.

Because... that’s what good girls are supposed to do, right?

You need to be “perfect”, whatever the F that even means. Because otherwise you might be rejected.

You might fail. You might look… foolish. And that means abandonment! Rejection! DEATH!

Yes, I’m being dramatic, but that is because that’s how your brain is actually framing it for you. It’s sweet. It wants to keep you safe. 

But that is not where LIFE is. In the safety of the harbor.

Life is OUT HERE. In the wildness of the seas. 

With the wind and the waves and the seagulls shitting on your head 😉

Life is outside of your comfort zone. Life is failing, learning, growing, falling, and not only getting up after you fall, but then RISING up.

Above the bullshit. 

Above the conditioning. Above the fears. Above the expectations of others.

We need to stop getting in our own way. 

We really, truly do. As individuals. And as women, especially. 

We’ve got some serious work to do collectively, and we can’t do it very well if we don’t also address our own healing.

We must identify and uproot the unhelpful tendencies we developed as little ones out of survival that are still running the show and keeping us small as grown ass women.

Please remember:

You are magical.
You are a damn WILD WOMAN.
You are a priestess.
A goddess.

A badass.

You are a fierce fucking warrior queen.

You were born to lead. To have an impact. To BE, DO, and HAVE so much more than you’ve given yourself permission to so far.

Listen to the call. If you were looking for a sign, this is it.

Rise up. 


You must. 

We must. 

Let’s do this. Together.

If you’re feeling the call, and you’re ready for more, I challenge you to commit.

Commit to being YOUR best self, and living YOUR best life. Commit to do whatever it takes to get there.

Because from that place you’ll be the best human you can be for those around you, you’ll do the best work you can do, and have the biggest impact you can have.

The world needs your unique gifts. 

We need your particular brand of weird! We need you flying your freak flag!

And we need that combination of traits that literally no other being on the planet has in the special way that you do.

But if has to start with you taking care of and prioritizing you. 

It starts with knowing who you are, knowing what you want, and creating a life you love.

Need a guiding hand along the way? I can help.

Want a badass group of other wild women supporting you along the way? I’ve got you.


The doors to the 2020 round of Unleashed: The Mastermind are now open. Join us, if you’re ready to answer the call. Read more and sign up here.

See you on the inside. 

I can’t wait to rock your world. And I can’t wait to watch you unleash your inner badass. Let’s go.

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