In almost a decade of coaching people toward their goals and dreams, and helping them navigate what’s in the way, I’ve seen some clear patterns.
One of them is that, as humans, WE are typically our biggest limiting factor.
Yes, absolutely, there can be some very real life circumstances and challenges in our way.
Fortunately, most of them can ultimately be overcome, especially if we develop the mindset and resolve to do whatever it takes to overcome them.
But, BY FAR, what I see as the biggest thing holding most of us back is ourselves.
Today, I want to offer you 3 simple ways to stop cockblocking your own success =)
If you neglect these 3, you’ll waste SO much time and energy just trying to survive and get by.
Master these 3 and you’ll be well on your way to thriving and becoming unstoppable in your quest for success:
They are simple, but not easy. They take massive amounts of self awareness and usually lots of practice to master. But they work like magic.
Let’s break them down just a bit more.
Radical self care
This means actually prioritizing your self care. Make it non-negotiable. Schedule it. Let others know it’s important to you. Self care can be anything from nutrition, exercise, and sleep to meditation, spending quality time with friends, to pushing your passions, or even masturbation. Know what fills your cup and fill it!
Badass boundaries
You can’t be your best self, nor be truly generous and in service of others, if you don’t have strong boundaries. Figure out what is okay with you and what is not. Speak up. Train your world how to treat you. And watch your capacity for everything grow, as you plug these energetic leaks.
Decide what you want
If you don’t know where you’re going, you probably won’t get there. Do the self discovery work. Figure out what you desire. Then commit to it and move toward those goals and dreams. (And don’t worry, of course you can change your mind and course correct as you go.) If you don’t decide what you want, the world will decide for you.
Make sense? Call yourself out. Are YOU cockblocking your own success?
Which of these hit home for you? Tell me in the comments below.
Then take a baby step. Decide. Commit. Tell a friend. Do the work.
And if you want a guide by your side, it might be time for us to work together. You can apply for a free breakthrough call with me here. Let’s chat and see what’s possible for you.
I believe in you. You’ve got this. Go kick some ass <3