Ever dream of giving your life a makeover? Or wish you could somehow hit pause and just start over?
Well, you can. Sort of.
Honestly, most people are too scared of change and risks, so they settle. Nothing wrong with that, btw.
It’s usually because they value stability and predictability and safety, which I totally understand. It’s just not what I value 🙂
(I value things like freedom, unapologetic authenticity, exhilarating adventures, the feeling of aliveness, creating abundance in every sense of the word, and total responsibility for my own life.)
Most people won’t take the time to stop and ask themselves if they’re actually satisfied with the life they’ve created. (Or if they do ask, and aren’t satisfied, won’t change anything.)
If you are reading this, I assume you are not most people. I assume you’re like me. HUNGRY. You want to be, do, and have more.
You want to create a life that lights you the F up! And, let me tell you, it is 100% possible. (Not easy, but possible.)
No matter who you are or what your life looks like today, you can absolutely transform yourself from the inside out.
You can create a new reality. A new you. A new life. And you can start anytime, at any age.
Here’s how.
Start by getting super fucking honest with yourself. How satisfied are you with the different parts of your life? With who you are and how you feel?
Write down the areas you want to change.
Get super fucking honest with yourself again. What do you actually WANT? What do you want the different parts of your life to look like? How do you want to feel? Who do you want to be?
Write all of that down as well.
Look at the gaps. What is missing? What needs to change? Which areas need the most work? Journal it out.
Once you’ve identified the areas for improvement, aka opportunities, get to work.
Start brainstorming and coming up with strategies, ideas, and possible pathways to move you toward what you want.
Important side note: You don’t have to know HOW you’ll get to where you want to go. So please don’t let that stop you.
Once you’ve come up with some ideas, just start!!!! (Most of us will get to this point and then hesitate out of fear.)
Start taking baby steps.
Start moving forward.
Start asking for help.
If you don’t know what you want, THAT’S your work. Do the self discovery and soul searching to get more clear. Experiment. Try things. Talk to people. Explore. As you search and take action, more clarity will come. Your path will reveal itself while you’re on it.
If you DO know what you want, but don’t know how to get there, start anyway! Don’t sit at home and work on the “perfect” plan for years and then never act on it. You’ll break my fucking heart. Too many beautiful souls have wasted their brilliance that way.
When you take massive, bold action and combine that with faith that you’ll figure it out and your dreams are possible, it becomes possible.
(When you sit at home and do nothing and are convinced you shouldn’t even bother, then… ya, not much happens.)
Even tiny, baby steps get you moving. Action creates energy and momentum. And more clarity.
You can redesign your life. You don’t have to do it all at once. (And, you can, if your really want to!)
Just start. Look at where you’re at. Identify where you want to go. Brainstorm possible action to take. \
Then start. Ask for help along the way. (People WANT to support you!) Hire mentors.
Then, keep going. Keep going. Keep going.
If you want to supercharge the whole damn process, work on your mindset too. You can rewire your brain through awareness and practice.
You can train yourself to focus less on the negative, disempowering and limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and focus more on the empowering, exciting possibilities!
And when you do, you move faster. You have more fun on the journey. And you inspire the shit out of those around you!
Go for it. Redesign your life. Believe that you can. And watch miracles happen.
p.s. Sick of your own shit and know you’re ready to redesign, but want support?
I can help.