Are you the author of your own life? In the driver’s seat? Mindfully choosing what to think, do, and say? Intentionally designing the life you want to live? Taking action (and course correcting as needed) on purpose, consciously moving toward your goals and dreams? Unfortunately, so much of our conditioning teaches us to be victims […]
How well do you know yourself? Do you accept and acknowledge your own strengths and accomplishments? Do you recognize your bad habits? When you’re thinking or doing something that holds you back or stops you from moving forward, are you conscious of it in the moment? Awareness is the first step. If you’re not aware […]
For those of us living in fast moving, high tech, always connected cultures, this is not just some hot topic from the mindfulness movement. It’s becoming increasingly urgent for our health and well-being that we remember to unplug, slow down, and quiet our minds. When we slow down, we create the space and energy needed […]
A few weeks ago, I was working with one of my coaches to design an ideal day in my dream life. As we uncovered the elements that would make up a typical day where I’m living on purpose, making choices that are aligned with my values, and being intentional about how I spend my time, […]
You always have a choice. Take radical responsibility for every part of your life. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Respect their journey and live yours. Be present. Be grateful. See the beauty all around you. Don’t fear your emotions, feel them. You are a feisty beast. Run wild and be free. Every day is […]