How to manifest your dream house or apartment 

  1. Suzy Monty says:

    Have tried to manifest our dream bungalow for years. Have a list of requirements. Nothing outlandish. All doable. I read the list a lot. Also have a drawn up layout plan of bungalow and imagine how it would be to actually live there.

    But still nothing…Don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

    I’ve written a Chic Lit novel and looking for a Sponsor to get it published. Three different publishers have said it’s worth publishing, but has to be a self publish as am a new, unknown author. Have tried to get a Sponsor without success. I even have a professional cover ready for my book.

    Again, can’t seem to bring my book into reality.

    • Hi Suzy!

      Thank you for sharing your story. First of all, congrats on daring to declare your dreams and go after them. That is more than most people ever do! And I understand that it must be frustrating to be doing all of that and not seeing any results yet.

      Here is what I would do if I was in your situation:

      – Release any attachment to the timeline, and decide to trust in “divine timing”. I’ve found over and over again that while I’d love for my desires to show up FAST and NOW, they ultimately tend to show up at a much better time, and I end up appreciating them so much more in the end.

      – Decide to have unwavering faith. I’ve decide (over and over again every day) to believe that everything always works out for me, and that it’s this or something even better. Any time I caught myself doubting or wondering what I’m doing wrong, I’d notice that, take a breath, acknowledge that fears and limiting beliefs are part of the process, and then I’d challenge those fears / limiting beliefs. I’d work on shifting my focus to believing that it’s possible, believing that it’s possible for me, and believing that it’s coming.

      – I’d also stay in action! I believe that the universe doesn’t necessarily give us what we want, but rather what we need to grow. If my desire isn’t here yet, I see that as evidence that there is more for me to learn or experience or stretch into. And so much of that learning happens when we take action.

      – Action also gives us more clarity and more confidence. And it creates energy and momentum.

      – I’d also practice taking action while choosing an attitude of expectation. Again, I don’t believe that the universe just gives us what we want. I believe it gives us what we expect (and not just consciously, but sub-consciously) and that part of our job is to raise our expectations, raise our standards, and work to get our brains and our bodies onboard with the self-belief it will take to become a vibrational match to what we desire.

      – I’d ask myself: “what other actions can I take that could bring me closer to my dream bungalow?” and I’d go take any tiny baby step that comes to mind.

      – And same for the book. I’d stay curious and ask myself questions like “what aligned and inspired action might move me closer?” and “who else might be able to help?” and “what would it look like to self publish?” and “what might be holding me back from self publishing”. And then I’d go take any and all action I could think of.

      – While doing all of the above, I’d also flood my brain with expanders (people who have what I want that I can look to for inspiration) and examples of what’s possible. I’d read and listen to manifestation books and podcasts and videos to help anchor in that unwavering faith.

      Hope that helps. Good luck!


  2. Suzy Monty says:

    Thankyou so much Sandra for such a detailed reply.
    I do read positive thinking books a lot. The best being by the late great Norman Vincent Peale. Have also read and digested The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.
    I also meditate daily with uplifting videos.
    What is holding my aspirations back? Good old money. Without the necessary funding the self publish route for book makes it a pipedream.
    I thank God for my blessings daily. A good husband. We’ve been married 51 years. We live in beautiful Cornwall and we enjoy country and coastal walks with our little rescue dog Venus. I featured on a magazine cover with her. She’s very photogenic!
    I’d be over the moon to get my novel published. Hope the Universe can show me a way.
    To get our dream bungalow would be the icing on the cake. My husband’s legs are getting a bit problematic so we don’t want stairs anymore.
    Plus my kitchen sink looks out onto next doors garage wall. Ugly. I imagine washing up looking out over a pretty garden. Oh joy!
    We live in a friendly village and want to stay here. I visit the church here and pray a lot. But prices for bungalows in this neighborhood are so high.
    Yep, it all comes down to money.
    I have to trust in the Universe and hope one day our dreams will manifest and become reality.
    I’ve a few health problems so pray they will disappear. God has helped me many times I totally believe in the Power of Prayer.
    Have a good life everyone and thankyou Sandra again xxx

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