I think I’ve reached a tipping point ⚖️ And I think I’ve been waiting for this moment for years. It’s the moment when my desire (or rather NEED) for self expression finally became bigger than my fear of judgment 😌 Examples – I’m so ready for my first tattoo. Obvi need to wait until post […]

Authenticity, Confidence, Fear, Identity, Judgement, Self-Expression

June 15, 2024

When your need for self-expression gets bigger than your fear of judgment

Our group was huddled together staring at the physical challenge in front of us. We argued and brainstormed and tried different strategies. Sometimes we’d succeed. Most often we’d fail. And when we failed, there was always a calm and whimsical voice that responded “begin again”. No judgement. No drama. Just a reminder to start over. […]

Goals, Growth, Identity, Life Coaching, Mindset

January 15, 2023

Begin again

There’s about to be a lot of noise online about New Year’s resolutions, goal setting, etc. We see it every year. The gym is packed with tons of new faces, everyone is doing a cleanse or dry January, or making huge declarations about their 2023 goals and then two weeks later… most of them have […]

Goals, Growth, Identity, Life Coaching, Mindset

January 3, 2023

Here’s what I’m doing instead of New Year’s resolutions

Being featured on Influence Digest as one of the top 15 coaches in Santa Rosa in 2022 was both an honor, and a surprise!  Someone messaged me on LinkedIn saying congrats on the feature and I had no idea what they were even talking about until I googled it lol.  So I reached out to […]

Confidence, Empowerment Coaching, Leadership, Life Coaching, Personal Growth

September 19, 2022

Influence Digest: Top 15 Coaches in Santa Rosa

Do you want to manifest your dream house or apartment? Then this is for you 🙂  I’m so fascinated by the magic of manifestation and the countless examples I see of just how powerful we are as humans and what we can co-create with the universe when we learn how, and open ourselves up to […]

Authenticity, Awareness, Change, Clarity, Confidence, Embodiment, Fear, Feelings, Feminine Empowerment, Growth, Judgement, Mindset, Purpose, Self Belief, Self Care, Self-Compassion, Self-Trust

August 4, 2022

How to manifest your dream house or apartment 

In honor of Pride Month, I thought I would share my coming out story with you. The photo above was taken at a photo shoot I did right around the time I was coming out and I feel the vibe is very spot on. So! I am bisexual. In case you didn’t already know that… […]

Authenticity, Awareness, Change, Clarity, Confidence, Embodiment, Fear, Feelings, Feminine Empowerment, Growth, Judgement, Mindset, Purpose, Self Belief, Self Care, Self-Compassion, Self-Trust

June 14, 2022

My coming out story #pride

My clients come to me for all sorts of things. I help them with: ~ sex, dating, intimacy, and relationships  ~ career, money, passions, and purpose  ~ health, wellness, and radical self-care  ~ time management, productivity, and high performance  ~ embodiment, empowerment, and self-love  ~ conscious communication, leadership, and impact  ~ mindset, manifestation, and lifestyle […]

Awareness, Clarity, Confidence, Embodiment, Feelings, Feminine Empowerment, Growth, Lifestyle Design, Mindset, Purpose, Self Belief, Self Care, Self-Compassion, Self-Trust, Tools

February 18, 2022

A Makeover

The dreaded question. Deer in headlights was about all I could muster in response throughout school and well into my twenties. How was one supposed to know? I liked a lot of things. Too many things. In fact, the endless possibilities and “you can be whatever you want to be” urgings of my generation’s supporters […]

Awareness, Clarity, Confidence, Embodiment, Feelings, Feminine Empowerment, Growth, Lifestyle Design, Mindset, Purpose, Self Belief, Self Care, Self-Compassion, Self-Trust, Tools

February 11, 2022

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A few weeks ago, I was working with one of my coaches to design an ideal day in my dream life. As we uncovered the elements that would make up a typical day where I’m living on purpose, making choices that are aligned with my values, and being intentional about how I spend my time, […]

Awareness, Clarity, Confidence, Embodiment, Feelings, Feminine Empowerment, Growth, Lifestyle Design, Mindset, Purpose, Self Belief, Self Care, Self-Compassion, Self-Trust, Tools

January 21, 2022

Charging‌ ‌the‌ ‌Batteries‌ ‌that‌ ‌Power‌ ‌My‌ ‌Dream‌ ‌Life‌

You always have a choice. Take radical responsibility for every part of your life. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Respect their journey and live yours. Be present. Be grateful. See the beauty all around you. Don’t fear your emotions, feel them. You are a feisty beast. Run wild and be free. Every day is […]

Awareness, Clarity, Confidence, Embodiment, Feelings, Feminine Empowerment, Growth, Lifestyle Design, Mindset, Purpose, Self Belief, Self Care, Self-Compassion, Self-Trust, Tools

January 7, 2022

The Possing Manifesto

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